HR Radio

Flickr photo by Elijah
I had a great Q&A session yesterday on HR Radio about the subject of Talent Branding. One of the first questions posed was the difference between Employer Branding and Talent Branding. Aside from the points I made in my semantics post, we discussed how employers can impress/imprint their cultural values onto their talent. I made this analogy: employers metaphorically brand their talent force just like cowboys brand cattle.

Also, talent owns the brand as much as the HR marketing team. In today's world, your company's employees have access to their peer networks through social media. That gives your workforce considerable sway over your company's perception as a first-rate employer. Helping to manage these conversations becomes part of the branding task.

So it's all about the talent - not the employer.

You can listen to the whole interview which is archived on (my segment starts about 14:00 minutes into the radio show). Here's the link if you didn't get a chance to tune in: HR Radio Talent Branding Interview >>

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